James Joyce

Introductions to a literary pioneer

James Joyce is by many considered the most influential writer of the 20th century. His works, from the early "Dubliners" to the semi-biographical "Portrait" to the groundbreaking "Ulysses" and the challenging "Finnegans Wake," have forever altered the literary world.

Below is a curated list of introductory books about his life and work that can inspire, challenge, and intrigue.

Joyce's Enduring Influence

James Joyce revolutionized literature with his experimental storytelling techniques, influencing a plethora of writers like Virginia Woolf and Samuel Beckett. His works continue to shape modern literature, with themes of identity, sexuality, and human relationships resonating deeply with readers and writers. Joyce's legacy as a literary innovator is unquestionable, with his works remaining vital study subjects and sources of inspiration.

Bibliography for James Joyce —

Author Title Type
Adams, Robert Martin. James Joyce: Common Sense and Beyond. New York (Random House) 1966. Amazon
Adams, Robert Martin. AfterJoyce: Studies in Fiction after Ulysses. New York (Oxford University Press) 1977. Amazon
Almeida, Hermione de. Byron and Joyce Through Homer: Don Juan and Ulysses. New York (Columbia University Press) 1981. Amazon
Armand, Louis (Ed.). Joycemedia: James Joyce, Hypermedia, and Textual Genetics. Syracuse (Syracuse University Press) 2006. Amazon
Armand, Louis. Techne: James Joyce, Hypertext & Technology. Prague (Karolinum/Charles University Press) 2003. Amazon
Armstrong, Alison / Digby, John. The Joyce of Cooking: Food & Drink from James Joyce's Dublin. Barrytown, NY (Station Hill Press) 2010. Amazon
Attridge, Derek / Ferrer, Daniel (Eds.). Post-Structuralist Joyce: Essays from the French. (Cambridge University Press), 1985. Amazon
Attridge, Derek / Howes, Marjorie (Eds.). Semicolonial Joyce. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press) 2000. Amazon
Attridge, Derek. The Cambridge Companion to James Joyce. 2nd edition Cambridge (Cambridge University Press) 2004. Amazon
Attridge, Derek. Joyce Effects: On Language, Theory, and History. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press) 2000. Amazon
Attridge, Derek. "Judging Joyce," in: Modernism / modernity 6.3 (September 1999), p. 15-32. Amazon
Aubert, Jacques. The Aesthetics of James Joyce. Baltimore (Johns Hopkins University Press) 1992. Book
Balsamo, Gian. Joyce's Messianism: Dante, Negative Existence, and the Messianic Self. Columbia (University of South Carolina Press) 2004. Amazon
Balsamo, Gian. Rituals of Literature: Joyce, Dante, Aquinas, and the Tradition of Christian Epics. Lewisburg (Bucknell University Press) 2004. Book
Barta, Peter I. Bely, Joyce, and Döblin: Peripatetics in the City Novel. Gainesville (University Press of Florida) 1996. Amazon
Bauerle, Ruth H. Picking up Airs: Hearing the Music in Joyce's Text. Urbana (Illinois University Press) 199 Amazon
Bauerle, Ruth H. The James Joyce Songbook. New York (Garland) 1982. Amazon
Beja, Morris / Norris, David (Eds.). Joyce in the Hibernian Metropolis: Essays. Columbus (Ohio State University Press) 1996. Amazon
Ben-Merre, Diana A. / Murphy, Maureen (Eds.). James Joyce and His Contemporaries. Westport, Conn. (Greenwood) 1989. Amazon
Benstock, Bernard (Ed.). Critical Essays on James Joyce. Boston (G.K. Hall) 1985. Amazon
Benstock, Bernard (Ed.). The Seventh of Joyce. Bloomington (Indiana University Press) 1982. Amazon
Benstock, Bernard / Bushrui, Suheil Badi (Eds.). James Joyce: An International Perspective: Centenary Essays in Honour of the late Sir Desmond Cochrane [with a message from Samuel Beckett and a foreword by Richard Ellmann]. Gerrards Cross (Smythe) 1982. Amazon
Benstock, Bernard. NARRATIVE CON/TXT ULYSSES. (University of Illinois Press) 1991. Amazon
Benstock, Bernard. James Joyce: The Undiscovered Country. Dublin (Gill & Macmillan) 1977. Book
Benstock, Shari / Benstock, Bernard. Who's He When He's at Home? A James Joyce Directory. Urbana (University of Illinois Press) 1980. Amazon
Berrone, Louis. James Joyce in Padua. New York (Random) 1977. Book
Black, Martha Fodaski. Shaw & Joyce: 'The Last Word in Stolentelling'. Gainesville (University Press of Florida) 1995. Amazon
Bloom, Harold (Ed.). James Joyce (Modern Critical Views). New York (Chelsea House Pub.) 2003. Amazon
Bohan, P.D. Reading Joyce and Joyce Reading: James Joyce's Stylistic Development from 1904 to 1922. M.Litt. diss. (UC Dublin) 1998. Article
Boheemen, Christine van. Joyce, Modernity, and Its Mediation. Amsterdam (Rodopi) 1989. Book
Boheemen, Christine van. "The Trauma of Irishness or, Literature as Material Cultural Memory in Joyce," in: Configurations 7.2 (Spring 1999), p.247-266. Article
Bolt, Sydney. A Preface to James Joyce. London (Routledge) 2000. Amazon
Bonheim, Helmut. Joyce's Benefictions. Berkeley (University of California Press) 1964. Book
Booker, M. Keith. "Ulysses", Capitalism, and Colonialism: Reading Joyce after the Cold War. Westport, Conneticut (Greenwood Press) 2000 (= Contributions to the Study of World Literature 98). Book
Bosinelli, Rosa Maria Bollettieri / Ruggieri, Franca (Eds.). Joyce Studies in Italy 7: The Benstock Library as a Mirror of Joyce. Roma (Bulzoni) 2001. Book
Bosinelli, Rosa Maria Bollettieri et al. Myriadminded Man: Jottings on Joyce. Bologna (Cooperativa Lib. U Ed. Bologna) 1986. Book
Bowen, Zack / Carens, James F. (Eds.). A Companion to Joyce Studies. Westport, Conneticut (Greenwood Press) 1984. Book
Bowen, Zack. Musical Allusions in the Works of James Joyce: Early Poetry Through "Ulysses." Albany (State University of New York Press) 1974. Book
Bowen, Zack. Bloom's Old Sweet Song: Essays on Joyce and Music. Gainesville (University of Florida Press) 1995. Book
Brannigan, John / Ward, Geoff / Wolfreys, Julian (Eds.). Joyce: Text, Culture, Politics. Basingstoke (Macmillan) 1998. Book
Brannon, Julie Sloan. "Joyce.com," in: South Carolina Review 32.1 (Fall 1999), p.74-80. Article
Brannon, Julie Sloan. Who Reads Ulysses? The Common Reader and the Rhetoric of the Joyce Wars. New York (Routledge) 2003. Amazon
Brivic, Sheldon. Joyce the Creator. Winsconsin (Winsconsin University Press) 1985. Book
Brivic, Sheldon. Joyce between Freud and Jung. Port Washington (Kennikat) 1980. Book
Brivic, Sheldon. The Veil of Signs: Joyce, Lacan, and Perception. Urbana (University of Illinois Press) 1991. Book
Brooker, Joseph. Joyce's Critics: Transitions in Reading and Culture. Madison (University of Wisconsin Press) 2004. Book
Brooker, M. Keith. Ulysses, Capitalism and Colonialism. Connecticut (Greenwood Press) 2000. Book
Brown, Donald. "Enjoy(c)ing Cultures," in: Poetics Today 22.3 (Fall 2001), p.671-689. Article
Brown, Homer O. James Joyce's Early Fiction: The Biography of a Form. Cleveland (The Press of CaseWestern Reserve University) 1973. Book
Brown, Richard / McGuire, Patrick. Reading Joycean Temporalities. Bern (Peter Lang) 2002. Book
Brown, Richard. James Joyce and Sexuality. Basingstoke (Macmillan) 1992. Book
Brown, Richard. James Joyce: A Post-Culturalist Perspective. London (Macmillan) 1992. Book
Brown, Richard. "Marilyn Monroe Reading Ulysses: Goddess or Postcultural Cyborg?," in: Joyce and Popular Culture. Ed. R. Brandon Kershner. Gainesville (University of Florida Press) 1996, p.170-179. Article
Brown, Richard. "Joycean Hypercriticism," in: Images of Joyce. Eds. Clive Hart / C.George Sandulescu / Bonnie K. Scott / Fritz Senn. 2 Vols. Gerrards Cross (Colin Smythe) 1998, p.105-110. Article
Brown, Terence (Ed.). The Letters of James Joyce, Volume One. London (Faber) 1966. Book
Brown, Terence (Ed.). The Letters of James Joyce, Volume Two. London (Faber) 1966. Book
Brown, Terence (Ed.). The Letters of James Joyce, Volume Three. London (Faber) 1966. Book
Brown, Terence. Ireland: A Social and Cultural History 1922-2001. London (Harper Collins) 2001. Book
Brown, Terence. The Life of James Joyce. London (Macmillan) 1999. Book
Budgen, Frank. James Joyce and the Making of 'Ulysses', and Other Writings. Oxford (Oxford University Press) 1972. Book
Bufano, Ignazio (Ed.). Joyce in Rome: The Genesis of Ulysses. Rome (Bulzoni Editore) 1998. Book
Bulson, Eric The Cambridge Introduction to James Joyce. Cambridge University Press (2006). 1st edition. Amazon
Burgess, Anthony. Here Comes Everybody: An Introduction to James Joyce for the Ordinary Reader. Galileo Publishers (2019). Amazon
Burgess, Anthony. Joysprick: An Introduction to the Language of James Joyce. London (Deutsch) 1973. Amazon
Burgess, Anthony. Re Joyce. London (Deutsch) 1965. Book
Burkdall, Thomas. Joycean Frames: Film and The Fiction of James Joyce. New York (Routledge) 2001. Book
Burns, Christy L. Gestural Politics: Stereotype and Parody in Joyce. Albany (State University of New York Press) 2000. Book
Carey, Phyllis / Jewinski, Ed (Eds.). Re--Joyce'n Beckett. New York (Fordham University Press) 1992. Book
Chace, William M. (Ed.). Joyce: A Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs (Prentice-Hall) 1974. Book
Cheng, Vincent / Devlin, Kimberly / Norris, Margot (Eds.). Joycean Cultures/Culturing Joyces. Newark (University of Delaware Press) 1998. Book
Cheng, Vincent / Martin, Timothy. Joyce in Context. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press) 1992. Book
Cheng, Vincent J. Joyce, Race, and Empire. (Cambridge University Press) 1995. Book
Connolly, Thomas E. The Personal Library of James Joyce: A Descriptive Bibliography. Buffalo (University of Buffalo Press) 1955. Book
Cope, Jackson. Joyce's cities: Archaeologies of the Soul. Baltimore (Johns Hopkins University Press) 1981. Book
Cotter, David. Joyce and the Perverse Ideal. London (Routledge) 2003. Book
Crivelli, Renzo S. "Joyce and Trieste: From the Joyce Festival to the Trieste Joyce School," in: Joyce Studies Annual 12 (Summer 2001), p.111-123. Article
Culleton, Claire A. Names and naming in Joyce. Madison (University of Wisconsin Press) 1994. Book
Culleton, Claire. Joyce and the G-Men: J Edgar Hoover's Manipulation of Modernism. New York (Palgrave Macmillan) 2004. Book
Dahl, Liisa. Linguistic Features of the Stream-of-Consciousness Techniques of James Joyce, Virginia Woolf and Eugene O'Neill. Turku (Turun Yliopisto) 1970. Book
Deane, Seamus. "Joyce and Stephen: the Provincial Intellectual," in: Celtic Revivals: Essays in Modern Irish Literature 1880-1980. London (Faber) 1985, p.75-91. Article
Deane, Seamus. "Joyce and Nationalism," in: Celtic Revivals: Essays in Modern Irish Literature 1880-1980. London (Faber) 1985, 92-107. Article
Deming, Robert H. (Ed.). James Joyce: The Critical Heritage. 2 vols. London (Routledge) 1970. Book
Dettmar, Kevin J.H. "The Joyce That Beckett Built," in: JJQ 35.4 (Summer 1998), p.605-619. Article
Dettmar, Kevin J.H. The Illicit Joyce of Postmodernism: Reading against the Grain. Madison (University of Wisconsin Press) 1996. Book
Doherty, Gerald. Dubliners' Dozen: the Games Narrators Play. Madison (Fairleigh Dickinson University Press) 2004. Book
Doyle, Paul A. A Concordance of the Collected Poems of James Joyce. New York (Scarecrow) 1966. Book
Duff, Charles. James Joyce and the Plain Reader. London (Harmondsworth) 1932. Book
Dunleavy, Janet Egleson (Ed.). Re-viewing Classics of Joyce Criticism. Urbana (University of Illinois Press) 1991. Book
Eco, Umberto. Talking of Joyce. Dublin (University College Dublin Press) 1998. Amazon
Eco, Umberto. The Aesthetics of Chaosmos: The Middle Ages of James Joyce. Trans. Ellen Esrock. Cambridge (Harvard University Press) 1989. Book
Ehrlich, Heyward (Ed.). Light Rays: James Joyce and Modernism. New York (New Horizon) 1984. Book
Ellmann, Richard. The Consciousness of Joyce. Toronto (Oxford University Press) 1977. Book
Epstein, Edmund L. A Starchamber Quiry: A James Joyce Centennial Volume, 1882-1982. London (Methuen) 1982. Book
Erzgraber, Willi. James Joyce: Oral and Written Discourse as Mirrored in Experimental Narrative Art. New York (Peter Lang) 2002. Book
Fairhall, James. James Joyce and the Question of History. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press) 1993. Book
Ferris, Kathleen. James Joyce and the Burden of Disease. Lexington (Kentucky University Press) 1995. Book
Frehner, Ruth / Zeller, Ursula (Eds.) 'A Collideorscape of Joyce': Festschrift for Fritz Senn. Dublin (Lilliput Press) 1998. Book
Frehner, Ruth / Zeller, Ursula / Vogel, Hannes (Eds.) James Joyce: "Gedacht durch meine Augen"/Through through my eyes. Basel (Schwabe Verlag) 2000. Book
Friedman, Susan Stanford (Ed.). Joyce: The Return of the Repressed. Ithaca (Cornell University Press) 1993. Book
Froula, Christine. Modernism's Body: Sex, Culture and Joyce. New York (Columbia University Press) 1996. Book
Füger, Wilhelm "'Ideareal Funtasies': Modalitäten des Wirklichkeiten in James Joyces"Ulysses"," in: Möglichkeitssinn: Phantasie und Phantastik in der Erzählliteratur des 20. Jahrhunderts. Eds. Gerhard Bauer / Robert Stockhammer, Wiesbaden (Westdeutscher Verlag) 2000, p.149-6 Article
Gabler, Hans Walter. "Towards an Electronic Edition of James Joyce's "Ulysses"," in: Literary and Linguistic Computing 15.1 (2000), p.115-20. Article
Gaiser, Gottlieb. International Perspectives on James Joyce. Troy, New York (Whitston) 1986. Book
Gibson, Andrew / Steven Morrison (Eds.). European Joyce Studies 12: "Joyce's Wandering Rocks". Amsterdam (Rodopi) 2003. Book
Gibson, Andrew. Joyce's Revenge: History, Politics, and Aesthetics in Ulysses. Oxford (Oxford University Press) 2002. Amazon
Gilbert, Stuart / Ellmann, Richard. Letters. Vols. I, II, III. New York (Viking) 1966. Book
Gillespie, Gerald. Proust, Mann, Joyce in the the Modernist Context. Washington DC (Catholic University of America Press) 2003. Book
Gillespie, Michael Patrick / Fargnoli, A. Nicholas. James Joyce A to Z. The Essential Reference to the Life and Work. Oxford (Oxford University Press) 1995.. Amazon
Gillespie, Michael Patrick. Joyce through the Ages: A Non-linear View. Gainesville (Florida University Press) 2000. Book
Gillespie, Michael Patrick. European Joyce Studies 11: James Joyce and the Fabrication of an Irish Identity. Amsterdam (Rodopi) 2001. Book
Gillespie, Michael Patrick. Reading the Book of Himself: Narrative Strategies in the Works of James Joyce. Columbus (Ohio State University Press) 1989. Book
Gillespie, Michael Patrick. James Joyce's Trieste Library: A Catalogue. (Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center) 1986. Book
Gillespie, Michael Patrick. Inverted Volumes Improperly Arranged: James Joyce and His Trieste Library. Ann Arbor (University of Michigan Research Press) 1980. Book
Goldman, Arnold. The Joyce Paradox: Form and Freedom in His Fiction. Evanston (Northwestern University Press). Book
Gordon, John. James Joyce's Metapmorphoses. Dublin (Gill & Macmillan) 198 Book
Gordon, John. Joyce and Reality: The Empirical Strikes Back. Syracuse, NY (Syracuse University Press) 2004. Book
Groden, Michael (General Editor). The James Joyce Archive. 63 folio vols. (Garland Publishing) 1977-78. Book
Groden, Michael. "A Textual and Publishing History," in: A Companion to Joyce Studies. Eds. Zack Bowen and James F. Carens. Westport, Conneticut (Greenwood) 1984, p.71-128. Article
Gunning, Farrell. Bloomsday. Dublin (DBA Publications) 1988. Book
Halper, Nathan. Studies in Joyce. Epping (Bowker) 1983. Book
Halper, Nathan. The Early James Joyce. New York/London (Columbia University Press) 1973. Book
Hastings, Patrick. The Guide to James Joyce's Ulysses. Baltimore (Hohns Hopkins University Press) 2022. Amazon
Hayman, David / Slote, Sam (Eds.). Genetic Studies in Joyce. Amsterdam (Rodopi) 1995 (= European Studies 5). Book
Henke, Suzette A. James Joyce and the Politics of Desire. London (Routledge) 1990. Book
Henke, Suzette A. / Unkeless, Elaine (Eds.). Women in Joyce. Urbana (University of Illinois Press) 1982. Book
Herr, Cheryl. Joyce's Anatomy of Culture. Urbana (University of Illinois Press) 1986. Book
Herring, Phillip F. Joyce's Uncertainty Principle. Princeton (Princeton University Press) 1987. Book
Hodgart, Matthew. James Joyce: A Student's Guide. London (Routledge & Kegan Paul) 1978. Book
Humphrey, Robert. Stream of Consciousness in the Modern Novel. Berkeley (University of California Press) 1954. Book
Igoe, Vivien. "Early Joyceans in Dublin," in: Joyce Studies Annual 12 (Summer 2001), p.81-99. Article
Jackson, Selwyn. The Poems of James Joyce and the Use of Poems in His Novels. Frankfurt (Lang) 1978. Book
Jacquet, Claude. James Joyce: Scribble, Genèse du Texte. Paris (Lettres Moderne) 1988 Book
Johnsen, William A. Violence and Modernism: Ibsen, Joyce, and Woolf. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2003. Book
Jones, Ellen Carol / Morris Beja (Eds.). Twenty-First Joyce. Gainesville (University of Florida Press) 2004. Book
Jones, William. James Joyce and the Common Reader. Norman (University of Oklahoma Press) 1955. Book
Jung, C.G. "'Ulysses': Ein Monolog," in: Europäische Revue (September 1932), p.547-568 Article
Kain, Richard / Magalaner, Marvin. Joyce, the Man, the Work, and the Reputation. New York (New York University Press) 1956. Book
Kelly, Joseph. Our Joyce: From Outcast to Icon. Austin (University of Texas Press) 1998. Book
Kenner, Hugh. A Colder Eye: The Modern Irish Writers. New York (Alfred Knopf) 1983, repr. Baltimore (Johns Hopkins University Press) 1989. Book
Kenner, Hugh. Joyce's Voices. London (Faber & Faber) 1978. Dalkey Archive Press (January 1, 2007). Amazon
Kershner, R. Brandon (Ed.). European Joyce Studies 15: Cultural Studies of James Joyce. Amsterdam (Rodopi) 2003. Book
Kershner, R. Brandon / Bowen, Zack (Eds.). Joyce and Popular Culture. Gainesville (University Press of Florida) 1996. Book
Knowles, Sebastian. The Dublin Helix: the Life of Language. Gainesville (University Press of Florida) 2001. Book
Knowlton, Eloise. Joyceans, and the Rhetoric of Citation. Gainesville (University Press of Florida) 1998. Book
Laman, Barbara. James Joyce and German Theory. Madison (Fairleigh Dickinson University Press) 2004. Book
Lanters, Jose. Missed Understandings: A Study of Stage Adaptations of the Works of James Joyce. Amsterdam (Rodopi) 1988. Book
Latham, Sean. "A Portrait of the Snob: James Joyce and the Anxieties of Cultural Capital," in: Modern Fiction Studies 47.4 (Winter 2001), p.774-799. Article
Lawrence, Karen. "Building the Foundation: Women in the IJJF," in: Joyce Studies Annual 12 (Summer 2001), p.163-171. Article
Leavis, F.R. "James Joyce and the Revolution of the Word," in: The Importance of Scrutiny: Selections from Scrutiny: A Quarterly Review, 1932-1948. Ed. Eric Bentley. New York (New York UP) 1948 (= Rep. from Scrutiny 2 (1933). Article
Lennon, Joseph. Irish Orientalism: A Literary and Intellectual History. Syracuse (Syracuse University Press) 2004. Book
Leonard, Garry. Advertising and Commodity Culture in Joyce. Gainesville (University Press of Florida) 1998. Book
Lerm Hayes, Christa-Maria. Joyce in Art. Dublin (Lilliput Press) 2004. Book
Lernout, Geert / Wim Wan Mierlo. The Reception of James Joyce in Europe (2. vols.). London (Thoemmes Continuum) 2004. Book
Lernout, Geert. The French Joyce. Ann Arbor (University of Michigan Press) 1992. Book
Levin, Harry. James Joyce: A Critical Introduction. 1941. (New Directions) 1960. Amazon
Levin, Harry. James Joyce: A Critical Introduction. New Directions (1960). Rev. and augm.edition. Amazon
Levitt, Morton P. James Joyce and Modernism: Beyond Dublin. Lewiston (Edwin Mellen Press) 2000. Book
Litz, A. Walton. The Art of James Joyce: Method and Design in "Ulysses" and "Finnegans Wake". London (Oxford University Press) 1961. Rev. ed. London (Oxford University Press) 1964. Book
Lowe-Evans, Mary. Crimes Against Fecundity: Joyce and Population Control. Syracuse (Syracuse University Press) 1989. Book
Lyons, J.B. James Joyce and Medicine. Dublin (Dolmen) 1973. Book
Magalaner, Marvin. Time of Apprenticeship: The Fiction of Young James Joyce. London (Abelard-Schuman) 1959. Book
Mahaffy, Vicki. Reauthorizing Joyce. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press) 1988. repr. Gainesville (Florida University Press) 1995.
Manganiello, Dominic. Joyce's Politics. (Routledge) 1980. Book
Martin, Augustine (Ed.). James Joyce: The Artist and the Labyrinth. London (Ryan) 1990. Book
Martin, Timothy. Joyce and Wagner: A Study of Influence. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press) 1991. Book
McCabe, Bernard (Ed.). James Joyce: Reflections of Ireland. New York (Little, Brown) 1993. Book
McCabe, Colin. James Joyce: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press (2022). Amazon
McCabe, Colin. James Joyce: New Perspectives. Brighton (Harvester Wheatsheaf) 1982. Book
McCabe, Colin. James Joyce and the Revolution of the Word. London (Macmillan) 1979, 1981. London (Palgrave) (2)2003. Book
McCormack, W.J. / Stead, Alistair (Eds.). James Joyce and Modern Literature. London (Routledge & Kegan Paul) 1982 (= Papers of University of Leeds conference, April 1982). Book
McCourt, John. The Years of Bloom: James Joyce in Trieste, 1904-1920. Madison (University of Wisconsin Press) 2000. Book
McCourt, John. James Joyce and Nora: Passionate Exiles. London (Orion Publishing Group, Ltd.) 2000. Book
McCrory, K. / Unterecker, John. Yeats, Joyce and Beckett: New Light on Three Modern Irish Writers. Lewisburg (Bucknell University Press) 1976. Book
Mullin, Katherine. James Joyce, Sexuality and Social Purity. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press) 2003. Book
Murphy, Sean P. James Joyce and Victims: Reading the Logic of Exclusion. Madison (Fairleigh Dickinson University Press) 2003. Book
Nelson, James G. Elkin Mathews: Publisher to Yeats, Joyce, Pound. Madison (University of Wisconsin Press) 1989. Book
Norris, David / Flint, Carl (Eds.). Joyce for Beginners. Cambridge (Icons Books) 1994. Book
Norris, David. "The 'unhappy mania' and Mr. Bloom's Cigar: Homosexuality in the Works of James Joyce," in: JJQ 31 (Spring 1994), p. Article
O'Brien, Darcy. The Conscience of James Joyce. Princeton (Princeton University Press) 1968. Book
O'Hehir, Brendan. A Gaelic Lexicon for "Finnegans Wake", and Glossary for Joyce's Other Works. Berkeley: (University of California Press) 1967. Book
O'Hehir, Brendan. A Classical Lexicon for "Finnegans Wake": A Glossary of the Greek and Latin in the Major Works of Joyce including "Finnegans Wake", The Poems, "Dubliners", "Stephen Hero", "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man", "Exiles", and "Ulysses". Berkeley (University of California Press) 1977. Book
Rabaté, Jean-Michel Joyce upon the Void: The Genesis of Doubt. New York (St. Martin's Press) 1991. Book
Rabaté, Jean-Michel "Joyce the Egoist," in: Modernism/modernity 4.3 (Summer 1997), p.45-65. Article
Rabaté, Jean-Michel James Joyce and the Politics of Egoism. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press) 2001. Book
Rabaté, Jean-Michel (Ed.) Palgrave Advances in James Joyce Studies. New York (Palgrave Macmillan) 2004. Book
Rademacher, Jörg W. James Joyce. München (Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag) 2004 Book
Rathjen, Friedhelm. Die Grüne Tinte. Kleiner Leitfaden durch die irische literatur. Scheessel (Edition ReJoyce) 2004 Book
Reizbaum, Marilyn. James Joyce's Judaic Other. Stanford (Stanford University Press) 199 Book
Ress, Laura Jane. Tender Consciousness: Sentimental Sensibility in the Emerging Artist - 'Sterne, Yeats, Joyce, and Proust. New York (Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.) 2002. Book
Reynolds, Mary T. (Ed.). James Joyce: A Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs (Prentice Hall) 1993. Book
Rice, Thomas Jackson. "Subtle Reflections of/upon Joyce in/by Borges," in: Journal of Modern Literature 24.1 (Fall 2000), p.47-62. Article
Riquelme, John Paul. Teller and Tale in Joyce's Fiction: Oscillating Perspectives. Baltimore (Johns Hopkins University Press) 1983. Book
Rogers, Michael. "James Joyce A to Z," in: Library Journal 120 (June 15 1995), p.60. Article
Rose, Danis. The Textual Diaries of James Joyce. Dublin (Lilliput Press) 1995. Book
Roughley, Alan. James Joyce and Critical Theory: An Introduction. Ann Arbor (University of Michigan Press) 1991. Amazon
Ryan, John (Ed.). A Bash in the Tunnel: James Joyce by the Irish. Brighton (Clifton Books) 1970. Book
Sandelescu, George. The Joycean Monologue: A Study of Character and and Monologue in Joyce's "Ulysses" against the Background of Literary Tradition. Colchester 1979. Book
Sandelescu, George. The Language of the Devil. Gerrards Cross (Colin Smythe) 1987. Book
Schlossman, Beryl. "Polyphony and Memory in James Joyce's Fiction," in: Modern Fiction Studies 46.4 (Winter 2000), p.984-988. Article
Scholes, Robert. "James Joyce, Irish Poet," in: JJQ 2 (1965), p.255-70. Article
Scott, Bonnie Kime. Joyce and Feminism. Bloomington (Indiana University Press) 1984. Book
Seidel, Michael James Joyce: A Short Introduction. Wiley-Blackwell (2002). Amazon
Senn, Fritz. Inductive Scrutinies: Focus on Joyce. Dublin (Lilliput Press) 1995. Book
Senn, Fritz. "The Joyce Industrial Evolution, According to One European Amateur," in: Journal of Modern Literature 22.2 (Winter 1998-1999), p.191-97. Article
Spoo, Robert. James Joyce and the Language of History: Dedalus's Nightmare. Oxford (Oxford University Pres) 1994. Book
Staley, Thomas F. "Adventures in the Joyce Trade," in: Joyce Studies Annual 12 (Summer 2001), p.100-110. Article
Staley, Thomas F. (Ed.). Joyce Studies Annual 2003. Austin (University of Texas Press) 2003. Book
Sternlieb, Lisa Ruth. "Molly Bloom: Acting Natural," in: ELH 65.3 (Fall 1998), p.757-778. Article
Strathen, Paul. James Joyce in 90 Minutes. Chicago (Ivan R. Dee) 2005. Amazon
Streit, Wolfgang. Joyce/Foucault: Sexual Confessions. Ann Arbor (University of Michigan Press) 2004. Book
Stubbings, Diane. Anglo-Irish Modernism and the Material: From Yeats to Joyce. New York (Palgrave) 2001. Book
Sultan, Stanley. Joyce's Metamorphosis. Gainesville (University of Florida Press) 2001. Book
Theall, Donald F. "Beyond The Orality/Literacy Dichotomy: James Joyce and the Pre-history of Cyberspace," in: Postmodern Culture 2.3 (May 1992). Article
Thurston, Luke. James Joyce and the Problem of Psychoanalysis. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press) 2004. Book
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Trilling, Lionel. "James Joyce in His Letters," in: The Moral Obligation To Be Intelligent: Selected Essays. Ed. Leon Wieseltier. New York (Farrar, Strauss and Giroux) 2000, p.450-76. Article
Tysdall, B.J. Joyce and Ibsen: A Study of Literary Influence. Oslo (Norwegian University Press) 1968. Book
Valente, Joseph. James Joyce and the Problem of Justice: Negotiating Sexual and Colonial Difference. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press) 1995. Book
Valente, Joseph. Quare Joyce. Ann Arbor (University of Michigan Press) 1998. Book
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Vanderham, Paul. James Joyce and Censorship: The Trials of "Ulysses". London (Macmillan) 1998. Book
Wales, Katie. The Language of James Joyce. Dublin (Macmillan) 1992. Book
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Watson, George J. Irish Identity and the Literary Revival: Synge, Yeats, Joyce, and O'Casey. London (Croom Helm) 1979. Book
Watson, George J. "James Joyce. From Inside to Outside and Back Again," in: Irish Identity and the Literary Revival (London: Croom Helm 1979), p.151-244. Article
Weir, Lorraine. Writing Joyce: A Semiotics of the Joyce System. Bloomington (Indiana University Press) 1989. Book
Wicht, Wolfgang. "James Joyce: 'Ulysses'," in: Europäische Romane der klassischen Moderne. Eds. Anselm Maler / Angel San Miguel / Richard Schwaderer, Frankfurt am Main (Peter Lang) 2000, p.73-82 (= Studien zur Neueren Literatur 8) Article
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